3D surface laser topography and 3D-DFD gyration scanning with use of a 5 axis system

The EyeWizard, is a high-end ALL PURPOSE Professional 3D Digital video microscopic system combined with 3D laser topography and 3D Gyration scanning. The fully automatic 5 axis system allows easy navigation of low and high magnification at any place of the sample. Illumination can be arranged through co-axial, ring or back light, allowing all sorts of dark field, or bright field experiments to be carried out. The system allows sophisticated 3D reconstruction techniques to be applied, for the optical microscope as well as the Laser topography and Gyration.
3D Microscopy
- Excellent Image Quality | Ultra high Depth of field images
- From low till high magnification (7000x) 18 MP
- 6 fully automated motorized axes
- Automated tilt (-90o – 0o – 90o) X,Y,Z,Ø=z tilt, Ɵ= rotation
- Proprietary auto calibration for all magnifications. Large samples of any form, No sample preparation!
- Tilting of sample for hard to access defect inspection
- Never lost navigation | Full scan of complete sample
- 3D reconstruction and surface profiling
- Easy add on accessories (i.e. heating cooling stages)
- Extremely versatile and powerful software
- High throughput of any procedure
- Particle counting (morphometric analysis) | Fibre analysis
- Topography analysis | Superposition of layers | And more!
Unparalleled Versatility
The microscopy features imbedded into the EyeWizard system can be adapted for all sorts of experiments:
Analysis of materials from all angles | Customized High throughput | For Material analysis, Life science, Quality control, Pharmaceutical, Food inspection, Forensic and more.
3D Laser Topography
Laser topography is a well-known technique for acquiring fast topographies of surfaces. Large samples (i.e. A4 formats) can be acquired in a few seconds. The principles of this technique can be described as follows. A fine laser is focused on the surface of the sample. A camera with an appropriate lens assembly measures the profile of the laser line. Then mathematical processing allows the profile to be converted into a 3D map.
The EyeWizard system goes beyond standard LT technology in utilizing a stereo pair camera configuration where the line of the laser is sandwiched between the field of views of the two camera’s. The advantage of a stereo pair LT configuration is that artefacts are inspected from two independent points and hence a much better representation can be reconstructed and hence more insight in the complexity of the sample.
Add on of all sorts of high end accessories:
Tilting tables, robotization, rotation tables, all sorts of illumination, i.e. UV, VIS, IR, fluorescence, polarisation, DIC, Heating stages. Microplate, inverse microscopy, particle analysis, fibre analysis, topography and many more.
Custom Built high throughput analysis
We can adapt the system for any application
3D Gyration Scanning
Scanning large objects with highest microscopic details without any artefacts. Other machines use DFD techniques to scan large objects, however such techniques fail because of lens aberration.
The AmbiValue 3D Gyration Technology produces extremely detailed and accurate 3D scans which can be converted directly into step data files, allowing the user to reengineer products with the greatest ease. Use 3D scanner software to generate extremely accurate 3D images of objects. Export scanned 3D models to STL, PLY, OBJ and DAE file formats. Comparing two objects is a piece of cake. Technique replaces conventional comparison microscopy.
Applications: Forensic, Reversed engineering of all kinds of objects. 3D objects can be 3D printed.
Additional image material.